Data teams sometimes struggle to find appropriate tooling for large analytics workflows. A common pattern is for an analyst to work primarily using the R tidyverse or Python pandas. This works fine for awhile, but as the workflow scales up and the amount of data being processed increases, eventually these tools struggle to keep up. Even running these workflows on cloud servers with massive amounts of CPU and RAM doesn’t scale well.
In my opinion, the only truly appropriate tooling for data transformations above a very small scale is to load the data into an OLAP data warehouse and execute your transformations using SQL (or, ideally, dbt).
However, sometimes you need a drop-in solution that can scale-up dataframe-based transformations.
Traditionally, the usual approach was to use distributed computing frameworks like Spark or Hadoop to execute dataframe transformations at scale. However, these require pretty elaborate and complex cloud infrastructure.
These days, there are much better tools for working with big data on a single machine, using columnar data storage locally like an OLAP database.
Apache Arrow is a CSV-alternative typed columnar data storage format that enables pandas-alternatives like polars.
duckdb is a sqlite-like dead simple local database that uses columnar storage behind the scenes, and can be used as a backend for Spark workflows
I previously wrote about how at Working Families Party we use duckdb as the backend for a machine learning identity resolution workflow (splink).
For an overview of the larger trends in cloud computing and big data transformations, see this really good article by Mother Duck, the company behind DuckDB: The Simple Joys of Scaling Up